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My Facebook diet

I had a problem. Facebook was becoming an un-fun place for me. There was too much content, too much click bait, and too much comment bait. It was taking up too much time, and causing too much anxiety. I guess what I'm trying to say it was too much, in general. ...
2015-10-05   [Permalink]

Very aggressive gun control proposition

I don't think the guns-rights people are going to go for this proposal, but I guess you could give it a try. Proposing that for anyone to acquire and continue possessing a firearm, they need to go through several rigorous, multi-week training courses, be continually and intensely monitored by government officials, and any improper handling, storage, or usage of the weapon is immediately and harshly dealt with via fines, forced labor, or even jail time? Big steps! ...
2015-10-04   [Permalink]


"Food stamps, WIC, and welfare are OK, but there are too many moochers. The assistance programs are for single moms who are busting their asses, but just today I saw a woman use it for buying frozen pizzas, TV dinners, donuts, and gummy bears, then she took out her iPhone and started gabbing. After that she walked out to her goddamn Escalade and her baby daddy helped her load the groceries! Why can't he pay for the gummy bears? She's probably lying about his income, too. These people are abusing the system, mooching off our tax dollars. Sure, when I was younger I was a single mom, and, yeah, I got a little in food stamps, but I didn't buy crap food with it, and I had the decency to drive a crappy car!" ...
2015-09-22   [Permalink]

Mustache-Twirling Racism

I wasn't going to write about the whole Ahmed Mohamed homemade clock thing, thinking it was yet another social media people-talking-past-each-other-along-party-lines thing, but then an interesting thing happened. ...
2015-09-21   [Permalink]


In the online feminist world, there's a concept dubbed "mansplaining". It's where a woman will share something which happened to her, and someone else (canonically a man) will "explain" the experience for her. For example, if dozens of men scarily harass a woman on the street, and she complains about it, someone pops up and "explains" that it wasn't scary or harassment, it was just people being friendly! Mansplaining, or "X-splaining" to keep it gender neutral, is not the passing on of information, it is the condescending denial of personal experience. ...
2015-09-10   [Permalink]

Assholes, all of them

Over the years you've blended into your community, in part by taking on the beliefs and behaviors of those around you, and in part by influencing others in your community with your beliefs and behaviors. In your little community, you fit in. You're quietly living your life. You understand the beliefs in your community. You all proudly, if quietly, stand for A and B! ...
2015-06-14   [Permalink] #skeptical-zen  

Decreasing Internet tracking

Ever search for a product on Google, only to have that product later advertised to you on Facebook? Weird, and a little creepy. The explanation is simple, but it's hard to avoid. Here's how I try. ...
2015-05-22   [Permalink]

You can never be too careful

Can you believe those irresponsible parents? Letting their children walk around the neighborhood unsupervised!? That's a recipe for abduction, that is. Every year in the United States, somewhere between 100 and 200 children are abducted by strangers. That's, on average, about 1 every 3 days or so. So I never let my child out without me watching. You can never be too careful. ...
2015-04-16   [Permalink] #parenting   #school  

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