Intro | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Conclusion

How to be a Bible Apologist

An Eight-Step Guide to Bible Literalism through Christian Apologetics

I began this project several years ago after meeting many Christians who did not properly know how to use the powerful techniques of Christian Apologetics. Believe it or not, I met many Christians who had been so brainwashed by today's culture that they actually thought that whole swathes of the Bible were not meant to be taken literally!

I know it is disturbing to hear, but many of them were even looking to non-Biblical sources for information on understanding life, morality and religion.

So, I created this guide in the hopes that it can lead at least a few wayward souls into the wonderfully fulfilling field of Bible apologetics.

I've recently updated it with the help of numerous fellow believers who have written to me with additional ways to take the Bible literally. With their help I've solved many more of the so-called "problems", and also found several new ways to solve the ones I had solutions for already. So please, for a better understanding of the Bible, or at least a better understanding of how apologetics works in general, follow the links.

Step One
Intro | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Conclusion