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The solution to all of society's problems…

I think the way to deal with most societal problems is personal responsibility. If you just keep yelling "personal responsibility!" at people, you will never have to look for or understand the causes and solutions for problems that you've never had to face, and that makes the world a whole lot simpler to understand. ...

2023-05-03   [Permalink]

Systemic racism for people who don't believe in systemic racism

First, a disclaimer: I'm not a white guy trying to "explain racism" to the general public; I'm a white guy trying to explain racism to people like me, or at least people like I used to be: on-paper extremely anti-racist, but… missing some key facts. I know many people like that. I went to highschool with them. I was one of them. I still see them on Facebook. Some are in my family. (If you are not in one of these groups, this is not for you. Yeah, it's much too simplified and maybe a little inaccurate, but that's on purpose.) ...

2020-09-13   [Permalink] #not-really-politics  

No Really: What Would Jesus Do

Back in the early 90s my dad brought home some "WWJD" (What Would Jesus Do) pamphlets to put around the house. Even though I was still a Christian at the time, I thought it was a bit silly. It all seemed to be focused on things like whether someone said a swear word or showed a bra on TV, and I thought probably Jesus had better things to worry about. In the years after, I slowly lost my religion… and I still thought it was kinda silly and insincere: it seemed like Jesus and religion were only ever brought up to say sex was bad, justify hating gay people (I'm sorry, "hating the sin") or why abortion was always wrong. Not much else. So I just left it there in the past with everything else. ...

Everybody feels like that sometimes…

Talking about personal mental health issues is rarely a pleasant thing to do. Whether you talk about depression, anxiety, ADHD, OCD, or any other non-visible condition, you'll inevitably run into comments telling you it's not unusual, and "everyboy feels that way from time to time". Bonus points if they give well-meaning but unhelpful advice. Extra bonus points if they give condescending unhelpful advice. "Have you tried not feeling that way?" At which point I guess I'm supposed to slap my forehead and wonder aloud why I had never thought of that. ...

2020-06-14   [Permalink] #tmi  

My favorite apps on F-Droid

I often recommend F-Droid to my Android-using friends. F-Droid is an alternative app store which contains only Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It's great because the apps are almost all not evil. Did you know that a flashlight app doesn't need access to your contacts, location, and pictures? Did you know that every app doesn't need to serve you ads? ...

2018-06-22   [Permalink] #programming   #app  


Lately we've seem to hit critical mass on the transgender issue. As usual, the usual factions have aligned themselves with the usual sides, and not looked back. Unfortunately, even among people who, after a fashion, support transgender individuals, there are a number of problems. In the long and proud tradition of white straight cis men explaining things about persecuted minorities, I am here today to clear up a few things about those transgender folk we keep hearing so much about lately. ...

2018-05-18   [Permalink] #gender  

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