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For premenstrual syndrome, use chervil leaf!

Every year, over 221 million people suffer from premenstrual syndrome. The ancient people of South America have been using chervil leaf for tens of thousands of years to treat premenstrual syndrome.


To treat your premenstrual syndrome, simply take the chervil leaf and brew it into a weak tea three times a day until the condition resolves, or forever, which ever comes first.

Method of action:

chervil leaf can combat premenstrual syndrome because it balances the humors. It also stimulates the adrenal gland.

Side effects:

Side effects include: thinking ancient people knew better, shopping at Whole Foods, and not being helped.


While there may be no good, double-blind, randomized clinical trials that show effectiveness, there are some people who believe it's true, including some doctors, so that should be good enough for anybody! Also, it's all natural, so it can't hurt (except if you avoid real treatments, or it turns out that too much chervil leaf causes some other problem, but that's just common sense).


Nobody knows, so we'll say "none"!

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See also: The Drug Name Generator.

2013-09-13 #app  