Norse myths unit study, part 1
Last night we watched Thor as a family. So today we ended up talking a bit about the Norse myths: about Jotunheim, Asgard, and Earth; Odin, Loki, and Thor, etc. She's six, so we didn't get too deep, mostly just answering questions and looking up pictures online. Later in the day I picked up a library book (D'Aulaires' Book of Norse Myths), but we've not yet looked at it.
We also made a hammer:
We used it to play Thor and Loki for about a minute before she decided Thor should fight the Turbo Toilet 2000 from Captain Underpants, which we've been reading a lot of lately. That's a battle I'm really hoping ends up in the next Thor movie!

Because, as everyone knows, Vikings invented metal in the 13th century.
OK, so not so much "a unit study" as "an excuse to talk about Norse gods and listen to heavy metal", but I can live with that.