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Atheism in a pamphlet

In our neighborhood we don't get too many door-to-door religion salesmen, but they do happen by every once in a while. Recently it was the Mormons. Previously we've had Jehovah's Witnesses and various shades of evangelicals. Most of the time the encounter is very brief: I simply very politely tell them I'm not interested and/or don't have time, and send them on their way. But last year I hit upon a cool and funny idea: send them home with some of my literature. So… ...

2013-06-20   [Permalink] #religion  

My ADD-colored memories

There's a bit of misunderstanding or denial about ADD/ADHD. The opinions I see online range from "It doesn't exist: the kids are just daydreaming and need to be spanked more", to "It doesn't exist: the kids are just acting normally and need to be taught differently". Though my sympathies lean toward the second, I propose a third opinion: "It does exist, and the kids need to be taught differently." ...

2013-06-09   [Permalink] #school  

Saying "Da" to not freaking out

Because Facebook shows you other people's likes, I came across this video, labeled 'Ukraine is saying "Yes!" to God. Again.' It was posted by a ministry that distributes Bibles throughout Eastern Europe. The video itself is harmless, just a bunch of random Ukrainians saying "Da" (yes), presumably in response to a question about God (the video never says it explicitly, for some reason). Nothing really to object to: I realize believers exist. But the Facebook comments… hoo boy… ...

2013-05-30   [Permalink] #religion  

The 'R's

I had a discussion the other day with another homeschooling parent about how much of the 3 'R's we should be teaching. While the 3 'R's are important, my list is a little longer… ...

2013-05-28   [Permalink] #school  

Sunday visitors

I had an interesting encounter the other day. I thought I'd chronicle it here because it perfectly encapsulates my approach to religion… ...

2013-05-27   [Permalink] #religion  

Objective morality

Just for a minute, imagine a world where there is no objective morality. No God or gods, no Great Spirit, no reincarnation, no cosmic consciousness, no universal oneness, no karma, no angels, no demons, no supernatural elements at all. Imagine a world where, because those entities don't exist, they can't be the source of morality, and therefore there is no objective basis for our morality. What would this imaginary world look like? ...

2013-04-20   [Permalink] #religion  

Homeschooling stereotypes flowchart: 3 attempts

Lately I made the mistake of commenting on a few negative articles about homeschooling. It's always a mistake. I'm not going to change anyone's mind; I'm just going to raise my blood pressure after beating my head against the same tired and refuted arguments. The commenters asserting negative ideas about homeschooling are not interested in counter opinions from people who actually know more than one homeschooling family. They have an anecdote about "this one kid in college" who blah blah blah. ...

2013-04-16   [Permalink] #school  

"Skeptic" is not an insult

I've noticed some people seem to have an odd definition of "skeptic". "Oh, he won't believe that, he's a skeptic." Or "I showed him the news article, but he won't believe it: he's a skeptic." They seem to use "skepticism" and "skeptic" as an insult, and it seems to mean a person is close-minded. ...

2013-04-15   [Permalink] #science  

We turned out OK (except for all those problems)

As parents, we make thousands of decisions every day which affect our children. Some of theses decisions are very simple and some are complex. Some are active decisions, and some are passively made by just taking the "default" action. Even not acting at all is a decision. And no one ever wants to get called out for making the wrong parenting decision: after all, making wrong decisions is what bad parents do, and I'm not a bad parent! ...

2013-04-14   [Permalink]

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