Intelligent Design Society of Kansas

Intelligent Design Society of Kansas

Meeting Minutes

September 2, 2002
   Sam brought cookies.  Thanks Sam!

   Meeting called to order. We decide we need to hold elections. Since there's 
  only five of us, we just divide up the jobs as follows:

  Sam McCain        President
  Mary Davis        Tresurerer
  Douglas Lucine    Sgt at arms
  Joseph Druski     Chief researcher
  Thomas Lee (me)   Secretary

    We decide on having daily meetings until our research takes off.  Sam asks 
  everyone to come up with something to research.

September 3, 2002
   Meeting called to order. Began by asking if anyone had any new reseach to 
  discuss.  Joe might have a lead, but it's still in the planning phase.

   David notes the lack of any food and snacks.  We vote and decide to 
  take turns bringing snacks.

September 4, 2002
   Meeting called to order. Everyone thought is was someone else's turn to 
 bring something.  I point out that we never said who would go first.  We 
 decide Joseph should be first.

   No research projects to report. There is general agreement that coming up with 
 stuff to research is really hard.

September 5, 2002
   Meeting called to order. Joe brought a pumpkin pie.

   We decide on weekly meetings.

September 12, 2002
   Mary brought mayo-free potato salad.  There is general agreement 
  it is pretty good.

   Joseph has an idea to use eggs to show how chickens couldn't have 
  evolved.  We all agree this is an excellent idea.

   Mary gave Joe $1.25 out of petty cash to buy eggs.

September 19, 2002
   It was David's turn to bring snacks, but he forgot.

   Joseph reports that the "egg experiment" succeeded beyond our wildest 
  dreams: the eggs didn't evolve at all and are way too complicated to
  have formed randomly.  Good job Joe!

   David volunteers to write up Joe's results in Microsoft Word and 
  submit it to Nature.

September 26, 2002
   No snacks (again).

   David reports that Nature rejected the "egg" article.  There is 
  general agreement that they're in on it.

October 3, 2002
   We decided to take a break in the meetings to allow Joe time to 
  scientificate on more research.

July 29, 2005
   Joe reported that the eggs still haven't evolved, and are still way too
   complex to have evolved in the first place.  (But they do stink.)

   Nobody has any other ideas for research yet.

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