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Posted: Sat Sep 8 2001
Fortune To Be Made Selling Religion

Entrepreneur Hugh Hendricks is cashing in on the bounty of The Lord by reselling religious tracts. "It's like manna from heaven!", He beams.

The idea came to him after he had copied a CD by the band "The News Boys", a contemporary Christian group, and was threatened with a lawsuit when a friend turned him in. "At first I was appalled", Says Hugh, who prefers to be called Huggy. "It seemed wrong to charge for a message we as Christians are called on to spread to the world. But the group's lawyers set me straight. You see the Lord supplies all of our needs. But he does so through good marketing and iron-clad copyright laws."

After that Huggy saw free tracts in a truck stop and took the entire box. He places a price on each of $4.95 and started selling them on the street. "I mean it is the secret to eternal life. That's worth a five spot isn't it?" Huggy took in $200 in the first day.

"There is something in the American psyche that says you get what you pay for." As Huggy speaks he is raising the price of the tracts to $29.95. "It worked for L. Ron Hubbard and now it's working for Lord."

--Phillip Matank


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