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Posted: Sun Oct 27 2002
Everybody's Just Too Sensitive

Not too long ago, you didn't have to be afraid of what words you used to describe people. You didn't have to worry about people getting offended if you said "mailman" instead of "mail carrier", or "man" instead of "person". You could call a female a "girl" without the National Organization for Women attacking you.

It wasn't long ago that you could call someone "fat" or "stupid". You could call short people "munchkins" and retarded people "retards" without worrying about the politically correct patrol getting offended and yelling about them being "disabled".

It seems like only yesterday that it was okay to mock other people's (non-Christian) religions. Now everybody's got the idea that if they aren't supposed to mock my religion, I shouldn't mock their loony beliefs.

I remember a time when ethnic jokes based on broad racial stereotypes were extremely funny. Now if you try to infer that some Mexican guy (or "Latino" as they want to be called now) likes tacos or participates in gang violence it's not funny: it's a "racial slur".

Back then you didn't have to worry about saying "chinaman" instead of "chink" or "colored" instead of "nigger". Try that now and the NAACP would call you a "racist".

Just a few years ago Columbus was a hero for discovering the new world. Now he's a villain for killing a few of the local savages and taking thousands more as slaves. Why must these PC revisionists try to stop our celebrations?

You can call me non-PC or offensive if you want, but in the past it was men controlled the universe. White, straight, Christian men. We didn't throw a hissy fit everytime a state capitol flew a Confederate flag or a congressman burned a cross. These politically correct homos, heathens, feminazis and mudpeople these days are just too damned sensitive.

--Patrick Thomas


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