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Posted: Wed Aug 22 2001
Woman Loses Jesus, Enlists The Help Of Others In Search.

Josephine Lowden recently misplaced her lord and savior. Realizing she could not find it on her own, she began asking people she met if they had found Jesus, and then would go on to describe it when they said that they hadn't.

Police officials admit that a Jesus getting lost is becoming a common event these days. "These Jesuses are slippery rascals, people are losing them all the time," warns a police spokesman, "and the last thing you want to do if you lose a Jesus is go around asking total strangers if they have found it. There's some real weirdoes out there: some of them may say that they have found it, and only later will you find out it's a different Jesus than the one you had."

Police advise anyone who lost a Jesus to look for it in a church, because, says the spokesman, "people in a church are more likely not to get so annoyed and pissed off when you ask if they have found it."


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