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Posted: Mon Sep 2 2002
New Group Hopes To Break Monopoly On Gravity Theory

A Georgia group calling itself Teachers for Equal Time has asked that stickers be placed in all new physics textbooks which note that mutual attraction and relativity are not the only theories available to explain gravity and should not be taken as fact.

Teachers for Equal Time hopes that the addition of the warning stickers will pave the way for the teaching of its alternative theory, Intelligent Grappling, the theory that certain intelligent and conscious agents "push" things together.

Dr Elf M. Sternberg, the originator of the theory of Intelligent Grappling, or "IG" as some call it, and president of Teachers for Equal Time, announced the group's plans to seek legislation requiring the stickers at a Cobb County school board meeting.

"Mutual attraction has had a monopoly on the truth for too long," said Dr. Sternberg, "it is time we let children see all of the theories."

Dr Sternberg founded Teachers for Equal Time soon after getting his PhD from the Alabama School of Divine Motion.

Most mainstream scientists have concluded current theories of gravity are sufficiently capable of explaining such things as the motion of planets and why things fall.

Dr Sternberg denies this conclusion and claims the popular theory of gravity "doesn't explain why objects fall, it just describes what they do."

"There are theories by atheists and secular humanists that try to explain gravity," explains Dr Sternberg, "but they all lead to crazy conclusions no human being has ever seen, like black holes and the so-called "Big Bang". Intelligent Grappling only deals with the visible world."

Daniel Mason, a Georgia science teacher, is critical of Intelligent Grappling Theory and claims "IG theory isn't at all scientific. It appears to just be a thin veneer for the idea that 'little angels' push things around. This is a religious idea, not a scientific one, and as such has no place in science class."

"I'm not saying they're little angels," says Dr Sternberg, "Intelligent Grappling only says that conscious agents are the cause of all apparent 'gravitic' phenomenon. There's no religion involved."

Informational sites*:
Intelligent Design Society of Kansas
Dr Sternberg's Website
Dr Sternberg's original work on Intelligent Grappling neither endorses nor understands the content of external sites.


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