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Posted: Sun Mar 10 2002
Ohio Legislators Consider The Teaching Of Scientific Alternatives

Two bills before the the Ohio Legislature would allow scientific alternatives to be taught in the state's public schools.

State Senator Jim Jordan is sponsoring the first bill in the hopes of "leveling the playing field" and allowing alternative scientific theories to be taught on an equal basis with more established theories.

"For too long now chemistry has been given a monopoly in our classrooms," said Jordan, "It's been presented as the only possible explanation of the interaction of atoms and molecules."

Jordan's bill would allow the teaching of Alchemy as an alternative to chemistry, as well as introducing numerology into basic math and algebra classes.

Jordan feels the addition of numerology is important since while math may be useful in adding a numbers together, it doesn't address the meaning of those numbers. "Not one of our students was allowed to learn why '11' was so very important and mystical," said the Senator.

Also included in the bill are provisions for teaching "Intelligent Design" and Creationism in Biology, Astrology as an alternative to Physics and astronomy, and the importance of fung shui in setting up lab experiments.

Not everyone agrees the teaching of alternatives is a good idea. Representative Sanjay Maggirwar feels the bill's wording is too narrow and would exclude other alternatives. "I am Indian," says Maggirwar, "I believe that deities by the name of Shuzanghu and Zumaing-Nui mated and gave birth to the earth and the sky. I also believe two frogs mated and gave birth to furry humans, who then mated and gave birth to humans as they are now. I doubt they would be willing to include that as an alternative."

"That's simply not true," responds Jordan, "we want all the alternatives included."

The second bill, sponsored by Representative Linda Reidelbach, covers alternatives for non-scientific classes such as English and History, allowing conspiracy theories about JFK and the moon landing to be taught in American History and adds Penthouse Letters to English Literature.


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