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Posted: Sun Oct 28 2001
Surge In Patriotism Linked To "God Bless The USA"

Spurred by the recent increase in acts of patriotism, a jointly appointed House committee has determined that the recent surge in patriotism and religiosity is caused by Lee Greenwood's hit "God Bless the USA".

The song, first released some time ago, has always been popular with 4th of July celebrations and the Midwest. The committee determined that an additive effect exists with the song; that is, hearing the song once produces a little patriotism, several more times and an explosion of patriotism results, the only outlet for which is passing around email jokes about Osama bin Laden and displaying flags. "This would have occurred in the absence of the September 11 attacks," says the committee chairman, "it's just good news for Lee Greenwood that the attacks happened to speed up the process."

--Chris Famunda


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