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Overland Park, Kansas
The OnlineNewspaper Gazette
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Posted: Wed May 23 2001
Columnist Runs Out Of Ideas
Uses Large Font, Repeated Words, To Fill Space

Recently, an online newspaper columnist was working on a column for the upcoming release of his online newspaper The OnlineNewspaper Gazette, when he apparently ran out of ideas, sources say.

He then allegedly began using a very very very very very large font, and began to make use of very very very many repeated adverbs in an attempt to pad out the column so as to may it appear longer than it actually was.

We cannot yet confirm the identity of the columnist, but sources working at the paper claim "This sort of thing happens all the time here. If I had a nickel for each time it occurred, I'd be very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very rich." However, no names were given.


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