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Posted: Sun Feb 24 2002
Jesus Thanked For Fixing Code

It was just after 5:30 PM when Bob Smith* finally finished his C program. He had been struggling with an endless loop that had stymied all attempts to be stopped.

It was just after 5:30 PM when Bob Smith* finally finished his C program. He had been struggling with an endless loop that had stymied all attempts to be stopped. He grabbed one last cup of coffee and then said a long and thorough prayer to Jesus to help him out of his misery. He experienced a jolt of energy and out of nowhere, added a boolean 'if' condition to get out of the loop. The funny thing is, he had never used a boolean before.

"Jesus told me to add it", says Bob with absolute finality, "I felt the hand of Christ on my keyboard". He says this with all seriousness, his own hands trembling with the caffeine rush. "I praise Jesus for helping me through this trying time".

*Theodore Glastocomy's name changed to Bob Smith to protect his innocence.

--Biff Spiffalot


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