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Posted: Sun Oct 28 2001
Bush Pleased With War On Terrorism. Considers Other Wars.

President Bush told reporters at a news conference Tuesday that he was "very pleased and gratified" with the sweeping legislation that his War on TerrorismTM is bringing about. "As a nation we made great headway with the War on DrugsTM and this shows the potential of being even usefuller."

The President went on to tout the advantages of the war. "It makes it that much easier to make the world safe the less we have to worry about rights to privacy and all that." He went on to envision an ideal state where everything was illegal, giving the police full power to arrest any "bad guy" they see. "Having been raised in a good, moral, God-fearing home I know that all people are born guilty. I'm pleased to see our laws move more into line with that fundamental fact."

When asked if this sort of police state would lead to persecution of people based on their political ideas Bush responded "We won't do that. Just terrorists, subversives, drug dealers, pimps, know, scum."

To back up his vison of the future, the president cited the example of Al Capone. "Did it really matter that he was arrested for tax evasion instead of being a mobster? I don't think so. Tomorrows terrorists may be arrested for not carrying proper ID instead of plotting to kill innocent people. Either way they are off the streets and decent God-fearing folks are left to enjoy the freedoms our father's fought and died for."

Later in the conference Bush went even further, admitting that his War on TerrorismTM was a "great stimulus to right thinking and workable laws." In fact after the conference he admitted to a small group of reporters, that had remained in the room to take further advantage of the free cocktail weenies and little quiches, that he was considering launching more wars on other broad categories of misconduct. He is currently deciding whether it would be better to declare a "War on MurderTM" or just shoot the moon and declare an all-out "War on BadnessTM".

--Philip Matanka


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