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Posted: Thu Jun 7 2001
Barbarians Spotted At Gates
Appear to have added deadbolt

In a surprise move, the Barbarian Hordes were seen at the gates this last weekend with home security equipment and barricades.

Gate keeper Joe Miller recounts the events, "I was settin' there watchin When Babies Get Cholera � (Sundays at 7:00 ET, check local listings) on Fox when I seen em comin over the hill. I thought, 'Oh crap, the barbarians are gonna finally invade'. But then they just took out some tools and added some more locks on the gate, the outside of the gate that is."

"That's when I heard the big guy, 'Nyar' I think they called him, say 'Will you guys hurry up? I hear there are more movies and sitcoms on the way, and somebody saw Tom Green with another script!', but I don't know what he meant."

Government officials are investigating the incident and are expected to hold a press conference tonight after the world premiere broadcast of Chains Of Love II, Somebody has to Die �.


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