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Posted: Wed Sep 26 2001
Patriotism Rampant After Terrorist Attacks

The United States has seen an outpouring of patriotism unknown since World War II in the weeks following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th. Suddenly, it seems everyone is a flag-waving patriot, regardless of how much they despised America before the attacks.

An eloquent example is provided by local resident Butch Babcock. Just days before the attacks, Floyd was part of a group of protesting President Bush's decision not to ratify the Kyoto Accord, a global environmental pact that would drastically limit US economic growth via global environmental regulations. But these days, Floyd has an American flag flying from the radio antenna on his Mitsubishi Montero. "We've got to show our support for the country however we can." said Mr. Babcock.

When asked what he thought the government should do, Mr. Babcock told us plenty. "These foreigners are ripping up the very fabric of our society. Us real Americans have got to stick together on this one. I'm not racist or anything like that, but anyone can see that we've got to do something about those Islamic guys from the Middle East.

"I mean, we've got to ask the hard questions now. Questions like: Who let them get here in the first place? Why doesn't the government keep a closer eye on people like this? I mean, America is under attack, we're at war, the enemy is here - here inside our own country for God's sake! Shouldn't there be laws against that?

"I don't think we should "rough 'em up" or anything like that, but we've got to be able to keep them from destroying what the government gave us Americans. If a few of them get upset, tough, we should just ship the whole lot out. If they don't go voluntarily, lock'em up. They'll soon learn that they can't mess with us Americans.

"Sure, a few wacko's will get mad. But you've got to remember, these people aren't real Americans, and don't have the rights that we do anyway. What're they gonna do, sue us? Maybe a few will, but money is a small price to pay in order to feel safe.

"I mean, if we can't feel safe in our own country, what are we gonna do? We pay our taxes so that the government has the money to protect us. I say that it's time to spend our money wisely and start locking up these foreigners so they can't do crap like this anymore. I mean, who's more important, us or them?

"That's why I'm flying the flag, because I believe us real Americans have got to stick together. We need to show those terrorists that we're united against them, whoever they are. You just wait and see, we'll kill a lot of them.

"Oh yeah, a few innocent terrorists might get it too, but they didn't ask who was innocent before they smashed into our buildings. Why should we care if some of their own 'innocent" (regardless of what they say, all those foreigners from the Middle East support these guys) get killed. That'll just teach'em not to mess with us anymore."

--Gary Randayn


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